
Into the Godsgrave

Created by Lucky Duck Games

A Digital Hybrid Board Game of fate and divine resurrection

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Closer Look at Trickster Class
6 months ago – Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 06:05:01 AM


Be welcomed in our update focused on the Trickster Class, the most tricky (pun intended) one to design so far. While working on the scenarios is one element of the game, at the same time we need to have additional classes ready to play to make sure they fit the story well gameplay-wise.

A Box Filled With Surprises

Tough Luck to Live This Way

Surviving on the streets is not an easy task. It requires a lot of cunning and common sense. Tricksters are truly children of the city, preferring to use their sharp tongues and skillful fingers instead of brute force. They earn coin by playing dice and cards, cheating the gullible people, and, occasionally, stealing. Their innate cleverness, however, earns them a rank amongst mercenary groups, where the Trickster plays a supporting role as a flexible jack of all trades. 

Let’s Play a Game
It’s a Typical Day on the Streets

Dice Are a Tool of Yours

Despite being capable of many tasks, Tricksters depend a lot on their luck. This is resembled by the gamble mechanic, which may often result in very high rewards at a low cost. However, gambling is always risky, and slipping up is always something that Tricksters must take into account. Gambling involves rolling some dice and hoping for a certain result to achieve the desired outcome. Of course, what is important for Tricksters is to minimize the risk, so some of their cards allow them to enhance their chances while gambling. 

 In the Trickster expansion, players will also receive Luck tokens, which will allow them to reroll any dice when it is really needed. Overall, the Trickster is a character for players who don't mind taking risks to take advantage of their versatility.

We're writing and testing scenarios constantly now as we're thick in the development of the game. Tabletop Simulator gives us a fantastic platform to digitally test while involving our remote team members but we also come together regularly in person too.

There is a Trickster there, trust him I mean us

Pledge Manager Is Still Open

If you still don't have your copy of "Trickster Class Pack" in your pledge, head into Pledge Manager now and make sure you got it! It's a Lucky Duck Exclusive, meaning it's not coming to the stores.

If you have any questions, please add a comment below or if you wish to modify your pledge in any way, please let us know by sending an email [email protected].

Take care,

Michał @ Lucky Duck Games

Designer's Talk: Looking at Two Classes and Attending a Polish Designer Camp
7 months ago – Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 08:29:55 AM


This is our second Designer's Talk - this time it's dedicated to recent open testing we had with Core Game, and another two classes. Let's give the pen and paper, or I should say - the keyboard to Grzegorz Szczepański

Designer Camp 2023

One week ago I've been attending Designer Camp - the big meeting of board game designers and publishers. 

I've playtested and discussed very interesting prototypes of all genres, but I was also on business there. While representing Lucky Duck Games, for the first time I've also brought Into the Godsgrave prototype for external tests. While the playtesters were only able to catch a glimpse of what the game is offering due to limited time, we have received quite positive and very valuable feedback. 

They have praised how the app can manage the adventure component of the game and also serves as a reminder for the round structure - but on the other hand is just a supporting tool, while the main decision-wise gameplay takes part on the table. 

Photo by Piotr Dachtera (Pamper)

As for now, we are polishing the first scenarios and making amendments to players' decks to simplify the wording - creating good UI is a very important task at this point. What is more, we want to share some new illustrations made by our amazing artists!


In the vast political landscape of the Godsgrave world after the Triarchy invasion, spy games between rival countries are on a daily basis. Infiltrators are masters of espionage, used to unwittingly sneak in anywhere they want and gather crucial information. Their flexibility, mobility, and cleverness are also very useful for all mercenary groups, where most often infiltrators serve as scouts and vanguard.

Speaking mechanic-wise, Infiltrators have a unique Stealth ability, which allows them to exchange their movement for powerful effects. Combined with the cards and effects that allow them to move faster and more relentlessly than other characters, they can either perform as a main scout/runner for the team, but also use their flexibility to directly eliminate foes. Not as straightforward fighters as Wardens, they are often supporting distance warriors.


The last main class of Into the Godsgrave is the Relictors. A group of wisdom seekers that explore the secrets of fallen Gods and the Essence itself. Due to their studies, they learned how to manipulate Essence-infused objects and use the ancient relics for their own purposes. They often use the services of wardens, whom they hire to scavenge the relics from a Godsgrave and study them thoroughly.

Relictors are able to manipulate their discard pile, especially by reusing the cards with the Retrieve keyword. What is more, a lot of their cards’ effects depend on the cards they have already discarded. Relictors depend less on their abilities (compared to other classes), but they can reuse their items and use the Essence to perform tricks unimaginable for other companions.

Thank you Grzegorz for your diary!

If you have any questions, please add a comment below or if you need specific help with your pledge, please let us know by sending an email [email protected].

Take care,

Michał @ Lucky Duck Games

Designer's Talk: Core Game Classes
8 months ago – Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 03:59:36 AM


Be welcomed to our first Designer’s Talk. I will share with you the latest developments of the game from both an artistic and a gameplay point of view.

Let’s Talk About New Classes

The demo version of Into the Godsgrave featured two of four classes available in the core game. The Infiltrator and Relictor. In the add-ons, you can get an extra two classes - the Trickster and the Noble.

But what about the other two from the base game? We'll now hand over to Grzegorz Szczepański, the game designer of “Into the Godsgrave” to introduce them.

The Smuggler Class

In the world of Into the Godsgrave righteousness and honesty are rare commodities. The complicated political landscape of the continent leads to a lot of trade restrictions, especially when dealing with the Triarchy. Therefore, there are a lot of smuggling operations happening nowadays and smugglers have become more present than ever before. Having a good sense of business, but also knowing how to persuade, corrupt, and trick the government forces, smugglers can gather huge fortunes, but they are always risking it all.

Being the main "economical" support of the team, Smuggler uses the Invest keyword to put resources on cards, enhancing their effects.  While this investment has to be performed right after playing the card, the smuggler has a lot of tricks to move resources between cards and the resource pool and keep them active. Less oriented on combat than other classes, smuggler excels in other tasks.

The Warden Class

Wardens are most tightly connected with the titular Godsgrave. This ancient order of serious and focused warriors was devoted to guarding remnants of the Dead Gods, keeping gravediggers and thieves away. As the memory of the great war gradually faded, they became a group of mercenaries for hire, though they still kept wandering through Godsgrave as a certain rite of passage. They are often loners, spending most of their time in the wilderness and avoiding big cities. As experts in searching for treasures hidden in the Godsgrave, they often provide Essence-imbued artifacts to the relictors.

Warden's main keyword is Focus, which allows you to play enhanced versions of a card effect depending on your environment. For example, focus (forest) would mean that by playing your card while in the forest area, you gain an additional advantage, which you may use for various effects. Most warden cards involve gaining and abusing Advantage Tokens as well as searching through the deck to find the most fitting card for the current moment.

State of the Art

To help you visualize the complex world of the game, our Art Director, Mateusz Komada, has a set of fresh new artwork that is going into the game right now related to Warden and Smuggler classes.

We'd love to know what you think of the artwork in the comments!

"Just a good business"
"Trust me!"
"Chatting by the fire"
"Struck by the Essence"
Smuggler portrait
Warden portrait

Late Pledges Are Open

For those of you who have been on the fence during the campaign - we got Pledge Manager up and running. It’s on Backerkit, click here to visit the Pledge Manager now. You won’t miss any Lucky Duck Exclusives or Kickstarter discounts.

If you have any questions, please add a comment below or if you need specific help with your pledge, please let us know by sending an email [email protected].

Take care,

Michał @ Lucky Duck Games

Pledge Manager is open!
9 months ago – Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 05:02:19 AM


The time has come to open the gates to the Pledge Manager. It's live, it's on Backerkit, and you should be receiving e-mail notifications any second now. The email itself should look like this: 

Backerkit's notification

It will be sent to your Kickstarter e-mail, so be sure to check the right inbox. Do not forget about your SPAM folder as well. If you have not received the message in the next 48 hours, let us know by sending e-mail to our Customer Service crew [email protected] 

Late Pledges for Those Late to the Party

If your friends or family missed the Kickstarter Campaign, do not worry! The Pledge Manager is open and ready for Late Pledges! You still get all the Lucky Duck Exclusives and discounts if you Late Pledge! Click the button below to visit the Late Pledges section:

Now all is in your hands - check your e-mail, close your pledge, sit back, and relax. 

The Pledge Manager will remain open until at least Q2 2024 as we spend the coming months deep in the development of this exciting game.

Michał @ Lucky Duck Games

Pledge Manager Is Coming
9 months ago – Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 06:07:41 AM


We are happy to announce that very soon, on the 29th of the August, we are opening the Pledge Manager via Backerkit.

This means you can:

  • choose your language version,
  • get extra add-ons if needed,
  • upper your pledge level easily,
  • Or bring your friends to the party for Late Pledge, which allows them to grab all the Lucky Duck Exclusives and get "Into the Godsgrave" with a Kickstarter discount.

How awesome is that?

What should I do?

Basically, just wait for the email from Backerkit inviting you to close your pledge. It will arrive at your Kickstarter e-mail, so watch out and check spam folder. We will announce launching the Pledge Manager in a separate update and also send you a regular newsletter, so you won’t miss it.

If you have any questions, please add a comment below or if you wish to modify your pledge in any way, please let us know by sending an email [email protected].

Take care,

Michał @ Lucky Duck Games