A Digital Hybrid Board Game of fate and divine resurrection
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Pledge Manager is open!
about 1 year ago
– Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 05:02:19 AM
The time has come to open the gates to the Pledge Manager. It's live, it's on Backerkit, and you should be receiving e-mail notifications any second now. The email itself should look like this:
It will be sent to your Kickstarter e-mail, so be sure to check the right inbox. Do not forget about your SPAM folder as well. If you have not received the message in the next 48 hours, let us know by sending e-mail to our Customer Service crew [email protected]
Late Pledges for Those Late to the Party
If your friends or family missed the Kickstarter Campaign, do not worry! The Pledge Manager is open and ready for Late Pledges! You still get all the Lucky Duck Exclusives and discounts if you Late Pledge! Click the button below to visit the Late Pledges section:
Now all is in your hands - check your e-mail, close your pledge, sit back, and relax.
The Pledge Manager will remain open until at least Q2 2024 as we spend the coming months deep in the development of this exciting game.
Michał @ Lucky Duck Games
Pledge Manager Is Coming
about 1 year ago
– Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 06:07:41 AM
We are happy to announce that very soon, on the 29th of the August, we are opening the Pledge Manager via Backerkit.
This means you can:
choose your language version,
get extra add-ons if needed,
upper your pledge level easily,
Or bring your friends to the party for Late Pledge, which allows them to grab all the Lucky Duck Exclusives and get "Into the Godsgrave" with a Kickstarter discount.
How awesome is that?
What should I do?
Basically, just wait for the email from Backerkit inviting you to close your pledge. It will arrive at your Kickstarter e-mail, so watch out and check spam folder. We will announce launching the Pledge Manager in a separate update and also send you a regular newsletter, so you won’t miss it.
If you have any questions, please add a comment below or if you wish to modify your pledge in any way, please let us know by sending an email [email protected].
Take care,
Michał @ Lucky Duck Games
Thank you
about 1 year ago
– Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 04:01:53 PM
One does not simply become a legend without achieving a spectacular victory against the Fate. Yet, you made it - you have fully funded the "Into the Godsgrave" game and all the extras, including "Untold Stories" Stretch Goals Package.
Congratulations. And at the same time - Thank you.
What's now?
Now 3 guys are going to have a time of their life - Grzegorz Szczepański in writing all the rest of the scenarios and rules, Grzegorz Nowak in creating more stories and lore for the game and Mateusz Komada commanding his legion of artists in order to create most breathtaking game possible.
You will hear from me from time to time, as I will be providing you with updates on the project. I will present new art, reports from testing and writing of the game. I am also super curious how the Triad story will develop.
And now - there is 0100 in the night in Poland, when I am writing this update. Thankfully, relentless Jordan is going to stay with you in the comments until the morning. From time to time, The Az himself will drop here, so you can expect his voice as well.
“There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.”
― Homer, The Odyssey
Good night heroes, the fire has not extinguished thanks to you.
Michał Hartliński @ Lucky Duck Games
All Stretch Goals are Unlocked!
about 1 year ago
– Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 06:54:37 AM
Congratulations on reaching the 300 000 Euros!
Everything we had prepared for you for this campaign is now officially unlocked! All the Side Quests, Monster Packs, game enhancements and bonus cards - all is there!
How 30+1 unlocks looks like?
What you are looking at are 7 complete side quests that feature new stories, characters, events, miniatures, challenges, map tiles, tokens and cards!
For those more into pure fighting and conquering, we got 2 monster packs featuring 6 miniatures in total and 4 bonus hero cards.
If using tokens is not your thing, you also unlocked new Player Dials! On top of that, we’ve added extra items, events, character portraits and more!
And please, do not forget about the Harbinger of Chaos - it doesn’t like it! Adding an extra layer of gameplay, our tentacle friend will haunt you forever in further scenarios unless you “deal” with it.
What Now?
Well now, all is in your hands. Make sure to bring as many people as you can to the party, as we are finishing the campaign very soon and those Lucky Duck Exclusives are not going to wide retail release and for sure - the free “Untold Stories Stretch Goal Pack” won’t be for free in our Lucky Duck Store in the future!
Share the link to the campaign with everyone - make sure your friends know about the journey and bring as many adventurers as you can here!
Keep the fire lit,
Michał @ Lucky Duck Games
Chaos is Here
about 1 year ago
– Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 05:14:11 AM
After 13 days of hard work, you managed to let a Harbinger of Chaos into our world. And boy or boy - if this is a thing you really expected is to be decided by your deeds in-game.
To Submit or To Banish?
The vote on how to deal with the monster was actually REALLY close. We've definitely got nearly an equal amount of “let’s talk about it” heroes and “You shall not pass!” adventurers. We can respect that. Sometimes we fight with a sword, sometimes with a pen.
But this creature is even stranger.
The “Harbinger of Chaos” is a random and optional encounter. Once it emerges onto the map, reality becomes distorted. This is reflected in the gameplay by the “Harbinger Dice” which will be added to your tests. The Companion App will randomly ask you to add those to your various tests. This will result in different outcomes of your actions.
Nasty. But there is a way.
As the vote was very close, our Game Designer has agreed to implement both approaches into gameplay. Once the creature is on the map, you will have a choice to please it and reap the benefits of that on the spot, or try to banish the creature. Both choices are going to be time and resource-consuming. Both of them van result in the acquisition very powerful artifacts “not from this world” that will make your life easier.
But there is a third option - you can decide to ignore the Harbinger. But he will return in future scenarios during the campaign and… well - express the fact, he doesn’t like to be ignored.
The complete Stretch Goal goes into “Untold Stories Stretch Goal Package”.
New Monster Pack Unlocked
For those who are more interested in sword fighting than asking questions, we have another Monster Pack. If you have torches handy now it’s the time to use them more than ever.
Total Stretch Goals Count
Without too much bragging - you have unlocked 26 Stretch Goals so far! That includes:
Almost 6 complete Side Quests Packs with miniatures, tokens, cards, and map tiles!
Player dials,
Two Monster Packs,
Plenty of new Hero cards,
and Harbinger of Chaos monster.
How far you can go with unlocks?
🇫🇷 Victorious French playthrough video
Maxildan from Les Joueurs Du Dimanche managed to drive the caravan to safety! Click the video below to find out how he did it!
Make sure to spread the word about the campaign, as we are welcoming all the adventurers looking to find “Godsgrave”. We have plenty of Side Quests to discover, we just need more members in the party, before we venture there.